
TOEIC Chronicles

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Have you always been curious about your English proficiency level? Felt confident and thought that you've always been a good speaker of the language or felt conscious and timid about the way you speak English? We now already have a way to test how good or bad one is, in using it.

I think all of us already heard of the different English proficiency test which most people take to know their level. We have TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), IELTS (International English Language Testing SystemCELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults), and a lot more, I'm just going to mention these four because I think these are the most common English Proficiency test most people know of (to know more of  the different English Proficiency tests that we have, you can visit this link). Personally, I think taking one of these or at least, on a step-by-step process is really a good thing. If you're looking for a job abroad, this will really be a huge advantage, or if you want to enter a University, specifically in an English speaking country, the school will first require you to take an English proficiency test. See how taking at least one of these proficiency tests really affect our lives?

For us Filipinos, whose English is not the first language, it will be a bit challenging as we still need to prove our capability of speaking the language through taking an English proficiency test. Last October 14th, 2017, I took the TOEIC Listening and Reading Tests and Speaking and Writing tests, and today, I'm going to share my TOEIC chronicles/experience. I guess I would say that, apart from passing and nailing the LET examination back in 2015, this exam is also one of my greatest achievements. Although it didn't stress me as much as LET did, being able to take it is still a huge achievement for me.

It all started when my parents didn't stop on bugging me about working abroad, that even though I tell them I am already working on it (though not), they still want to see the progress on what I'm doing, and I'm taking the first step by getting an English proficiency test. My plan is to visit, work, and live in Japan, it's always been a dream ever since I was young and now, I and my parents want to make it happen.

I think it's already well-known that for you to be considered, or at least, have an advantage if you want to work in Japan (especially in my case, because I want to become an English teacher there), you need to take the TOEIC test. When I was already decided to really, take the examination, I went on google to look for schools/places where I could take it. I thought at first that places accredited to conduct TOEIC tests are found in Cebu, until I found Hopkins International Partners, Inc. Hopkins is the sole authorized Philippine representative of the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC).

Hopkins offers different types of English test such as TOEIC, TOEIC Bridge, TOEFL, TOEFL IBT, TOEFL ITP (yes, there are different types of TOEIC and TOEFL. I didn't know anything about this too until I bumped into Hopkins' website). In order to be eligible to take the examination, you need to register first on their website. They create different events on Eventbrite on when their TOEIC and TOEFL tests will happen. A guide will also be shown on their website on how to register depending on the type of test you will be taking so worry not.

You'll receive these on your email when you register on Eventbrite
Once you're done registering and getting tickets for their TOEIC test, the next thing you will do is pay for the test (and yes, it is not cheap). TOEIC Listening and Reading costs, PHP 2000 while TOEIC Speaking and Writing costs PHP 4500 (click this link to see the prices of other tests available in Hopkins), and since I decided to take all of them, I paid for a total worth of, PHP 6500 plus I decided to attend the TOEIC test orientation which costs PHP 500. Yes, I paid PHP 7000 (💸 💸 💸 ), and I was crying while slowly taking out the money from my pocket to pay for it.

Hopkins do not accept cash or credit/debit card payments, so you need to deposit your payment through their provided bank accounts, they have BDO and BPI accounts. Once you're done depositing, you will have to send a scanned copy of your deposit slip and the other requirements you need to submit on the email address they will provide.

Honestly, I didn't take the test seriously from the day I registered because I know TOEIC is the easiest English proficiency test. Since I still have a month to prepare for it, I didn't study right away, but yeah, when it was getting close, exactly a week before the examination, I started checking on the sample tests available online, and that's when I started to panic. I belittled TOEIC and never thought that there's still a challenge in it. When I was answering the sample tests, I never got a perfect score which I was aiming. I get at least 2-3 mistakes which is really unacceptable for me.

By the way, for us Filipinos, since we have been using and learning the English language ever since we started learning how to speak, it is very essential that we get high scores in English proficiency tests. If not perfect, at least close to perfect is something acceptable for our level and knowledge of the English language, especially for TOEIC which is the easiest English proficiency test. (but maybe it's just for me, it still depends on how you see it, okay?)

Anyway, so I went ahead and answered sample tests for Listening and Reading areas but I never got a perfect score, and because of this, I regret not taking it seriously and studying just when it's just a week before the test. I even thought of rescheduling it for next month as I didn't feel confident at all. But yeah, I studied non-stop within that week. I even study while I was in the office and stopped opening classes on my part-time job to focus on it. I asked my friends for help and advice if I should really take the test or just reschedule it and all of them told me to take it already because they know I will still nail it, though deep within me, I felt really negative. It's actually a good thing that my friends were there to help me with what I'm going through. I mainly focused on studying Speaking test because I thought that where I'm having a hard time the most. It's really challenging when you have to think of an answer within a limited amount of time, that's why I went on Youtube and practice myself on all the TOEIC speaking test I found there, and it was really helpful.

I didn't stop there, I read a lot of tips online on how to properly answer a question, how to survive TOEIC test with flying colors, and from that, I slowly stopped panicking, I managed to become calm and thought that TOEIC is just another monthly test I get before when I was still studying, and it really felt good. So if you're taking an exam/test, the first thing that you need to do is stop panicking and stressing yourself.

You will receive an email about the upcoming orientation
October 10th and the TOEIC Orientation happened. From Quezon City, I went all the way to Makati through Uber to get to Hopkins' office. I even put the wrong address (how stupid), luckily, the driver was so kind that he accommodated me to get to the right place. I arrived at the office so early (lol). So I needed to wait for the other people who will attend the orientation to arrive. While waiting, I talked to the woman who will conduct the orientation for a bit. She asked the reason why I'm taking the test and gave me a gist of what the orientation going to be. I also asked how many will attend the orientation and she said that only three people registered. I was not shocked at the number of people who did so but I didn't expect it'd be that small. But anyway, a little after the other two who registered arrived (and because we were already complete) we started earlier than expected. The schedule of the orientation was 9:00 A.M. but we started at 8:30 A.M. The other two attendees were Filipino and Korean, by the way.

The orientation consists of an overview of the TOEIC test and a mock-up test, they were the ones who provided the pencils (which was a good thing because I didn't bring any lol).

I was quite disappointed with the orientation, maybe because I didn't expect it'd only be like that. All of what the woman told us would happen were the ones I already know and the mock-up test was the one I answered online (lol) so I already know the correct answer and just pretended like as if I don't know it yet. We were not given the full version of the actual test, like for L&R area, there were only 3-5 questions on each part of the test so we finished it faster. I got two mistakes in the mock-up test for L&R. As for S&W, the woman told me that she will still give us an overview of the test but no mock-up test will happen, which again, disappointed me. This area was the one I was looking forward the most and then all I get is an overview which I already know (sigh), but anyway, the orientation went fast and lasted for about an hour only.

This is their sample test booklet
Before you take the exam, you will be receiving a confirmation letter from Hopkins that you are already registered to take the test on your preferred date. This confirmation letter contains the schedule of the test, where it will be happening, and what you should be bringing on the day itself. In my experience, the L&R test happened in AIM in Makati while S&W test happened in Hopkins' office. Please note that it is very important to bring the Identification card you used when you registered and the deposit slip of your payment as they will be checking it on the day of the exam.

These are the confirmation letters I received three days before the test
October 14th, I arrived in AIM (since L&R test will happen first) early again. The test will start by 8:00 A.M.  but I arrived around 6:30 A.M. Good thing there was a 24/7 McDonald's in the area so I stayed there until 7:30 A.M. It was also indicated in the confirmation letter that I received that you should arrive 30 minutes before the test as they will be checking the I.D. and payslip before I would enter the test venue.

When I was already at the test venue, most of the people I saw were Koreans and Japanese (I think there were also Chinese but I just couldn't tell which one). There were (I think) more than 20 people who took the test. Before entering, the Hopkins' staff checked my I.D. and verified if it's me, they then asked for my payslip, and when they have already confirmed important requirements, they asked me to sign on a paper which has the list of all the test takers. She returned my I.D. and then provided me a little paper with my name and an alphanumeric code(?). That alphanumeric code(?) will be the staff's guide on where I will be sitting in the room. The next thing I did was leave my things at the baggage counter. You are not allowed to bring anything inside the test venue (yes, even pencils), they will also be providing pencils so nothing to worry about it (I brought pencils but they said I can't bring it inside :(). I was checked by the security using a hand-held metal detector after that and asked for my I.D. and the little paper I have with me. He then gave it to the staff inside the test venue, and right after checking me, I was asked to pull out my pockets to see if I have anything inside it, I was also asked to pull the bottom of my pants up to see if there's anything underneath it (see how strict they are?). When I was all good, he told me I could go inside the test venue.

Inside the room, I was guided by one of the staff on where I will sit, there's a paper and pencil on top of my table together with a little paper where my information is written. There's also a projector inside and the first thing you will do is sign the terms and conditions in the paper you will find above your table. Aside from the directions on how to do it will be shown on the projector in front, the staff will also guide you on how to do it. But yeah, since I could pretty much understand it, the staff didn't busy much guiding me and just guided the Koreans and Japanese test takers. The room was also so cold, good thing I wore a sweater and pants that day.

This is the little paper on the table where I sat down
Since I still arrived early in the test venue, I waited for a bit. I noticed that in my row, all Filipinos were seated, so I'm guessing they are lining up the test-takers depending on the nationality. I think there were only 7 or 8 Filipinos and the rest were Koreans and Japanese (and Chinese?). The I.D. needs to be put on your table as the Hopkins' staff will be checking it.

By the way, the test will be a shading process; multiple choice. If you're familiar with the licensure examination, that's most likely how it will look like. We filled out our information and we were also given a paper wherein questions were all about ourselves (job/s we have/had, how we use English, studies, etc.). While answering, you will also hear a recorded explanation on how you would do it so you will just have to listen.

When the test started, they first explained the process of the test. Listening part will be 45 minutes while the Reading part will be 75 minutes. A timer will also be shown on the screen so you will be aware of the time. After explaining, the test paper and booklet were given. I was starting to be nervous that time and my hands were starting to sweat (lol). Booklets were still closed and we needed to open it using our pencils, which we did when we were given a signal to do so.

The first part was the listening test. It finished exactly within 45 minutes and we went ahead and continued with the reading test. The latter test took a while, lots of tricky questions were there but I'm glad I managed to finish it within the allotted time. When I was done and so was the time, we were asked to answer a survey if we were satisfied with the test, service or not.

Next was the S&W test. Again, mine happened in Hopkins' office so I needed to wait for the staff to finish collecting the L&R test papers and booklets as they will be one accommodating me in going to the second test venue. I even asked if I could take lunch first but they told me to just take it when I'm already in the test venue.

The rest of the test takers went home already and I was the only one who stayed in the area. At first, I thought I was the only one who's going to take the S&W test as I remember the Hopkins' staff telling me before that only a few people take it, but there's actually three of us (one Chinese and one Korean).

When I was in the test venue, I had a fast lunch and ate at McDonald's again. I only had half hour left since the test will start by 12:00 P.M. Before the test started, the staff who conducted the test asked us if we want to use the bathroom as we won't be allowed to do it anymore during the test. I went to the bathroom real quick because the test will start soon.

The whole process on what I did during the L&R test is just the same on what I did with S&W. Had my I.D. checked, left my bag together with my wristwatch in the baggage counter, and was checked through a metal detector. After that, we were asked to sit in front of a computer. We registered our information and answered the same question about ourselves during L&R and had a mic test to make sure if the headset was working well. When I was all good, I still had 15 minutes before the test started. The staff took a picture (with a white background) of me first, the Chinese, and the Korean while waiting for the remaining time to finish. I guess that's the photo that will be shown when the results come out(?), I'm not really sure. The staff also apologized to me because of the test venue. We were actually just using the desk computers which they also use for work and there was no special room for people taking the S&W test. He told me that they are already working and looking for a room where they could conduct so.

When the test started, all of the staff inside the office went to different rooms so that we could focus on the test. Of course, we're having a speaking test and no one would want to have so with noises in the background. The speaking test lasted for 15 minutes while the writing test lasted for 60 minutes. When the test was done, we had another three minutes to check our answers to let the staff know if there's a problem (if ever). I was not able to check all of my answers on the speaking test because I hit the "Continue" button right away (ugh). I only managed to check my answers on the writing part. The staff made us answer another survey but this time, it's written on a paper where we just need to check our answer and we're done.

Overall, I'd say the test was not very easy nor very hard. I could say I nailed the writing test out of all the areas. In this kind of test, the best thing to do is manage your time and practice, practice, and practice.

The results of my L&R test will be released on the 20th while the S&W test will be released on November 3rd. I thought I'd just wait for the S&R result and just have both of the test delivered to my mailing address.

And yepppp~ that's it for my experience! Quite long? Yeah, I know XD. I will be providing FAQs again below so be sure to read it if you will take the test too.

Take note that this experience took place at Hopkins International Partners, Inc., Metro Manila, Philippines and it might differ from other places or countries.



What is TOEIC?

Test of English for International Communication is an English language test designed specifically to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment. (reference: Wikipedia)

Who usually takes the TOEIC test?
- Everyone who wants to test their English proficiency. I'm not sure with the age range, though (I'm sorry). Usually, it's those students applying to a University or employees being required by their company to take it.

Where did you take you TOEIC test?
- I took it at Hopkins. Here's the link to their website, www.hopkins.ph.

How much is the TOEIC test?
- Listening and Reading tests cost PHP 2000 while Speaking and Writing tests cost PHP 4500.

How is the test being done?
- For L&R, it's a shading process wherein a machine will be checking your answer sheet, so you need to make sure you're shading your answer properly or the machine won't be able to read it. As for S&W, the test will be taken on a computer.

How long is the test?
- L&R lasted for 75 minutes while S&W lasted 60 minutes.

Will the test results show up right after taking the test?
- No, L&R takes 1-2 weeks to get the results while S&W takes 2-3 weeks.

How will I get the result of the test?
- Hopkins has two options, you can either claim it in their office or have it delivered to your home address with an additional payment of PHP 200 for the shipping fee. (Reminder: Hopkins will not give the test result to a representative, you need to claim it yourself)

Is the TOEIC test only taken once?
- Nope. You have the chance to take the test as often as you want, but do know that it will require you to pay a not-so-cheap test fee.

Until when is the score valid?
- The score is valid for up to 2 years. After that, you will be needing to take it again to know if you have improved or not in using the English language (if your school or company requires you to do so, or if you just want to).

Is the test easy or difficult?
- Mmhmmm... I'd say it's combined. Some parts will really make you think while others are just easy ones.

What's your score?
- I got 915 for L&R and 380 for S&W


Got other questions not mentioned above? You can contact me. I'm looking forward to hearing your TOEIC experience too!


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